TxCFR Awards
As an organization, we believe in celebrating service that improves the lives of Texas families and professionals who serve them. Below is a summary of our awards that we give on an annual basis.
Moore-Bowman Award
Established in 1970, the Moore-Bowman Award recognizes professionals who have made a significant contribution in the area of family life education, marriage and family therapy, and/or family related research in Texas. Named for its first two distinguished recipients, Dr. Bernice Milburn Moore and Dr. Henry A. Bowman, the award is presented at the annual conference in the years that a worthy recipient is selected. The Moore-Bowman Award is TxCFR’s most prestigious award and recognizes professionals whose contributions to family well-being in Texas have been truly outstanding. See our list of Moore-Bowman Award recipients.
Meritorious Service Award
The Meritorious Service Award was established by the TCFR Board of Directors in 1981 to acknowledge and encourage outstanding services and support to families and to family life in Texas. When awarded, it is presented at the annual conference to an individual, agency, corporation, foundation, or other organization whose contributions are determined to be of significance. An outstanding volunteer or other individual associated with an agency, corporation, foundation, or other organization that had made a contribution to family life in the state may also be recognized. See our list of Meritorious Service Award recipients.
Family Champion Award
The Family Champion Award was established in 2014 by the TxCFR Board of Directors. The TXCFR Family Champion Award is presented to an individual or organization involved at the state or community level in the policy-making process, whose work over time has made significant contributions to the well-being of Texas families. The purpose of this award is to acknowledge Texas leaders whose work has significantly and positively shaped policies that impact the family. See our list of Family Champion Award recipients.
Lane Powell Mentorship Award
Established in 2016, the Lane Powell Mentorship Award, recognizes professionals who have made a significant contribution in the area of family life education and practice, marriage and family therapy, and/or family related research through mentoring students and new professionals. Named for Lane Powell, an outstanding teacher, scholar, and mentor, the award is presented at the annual conference in the years that a worthy recipient is selected. A recipient for this award has not yet been selected. See our list of Lane Powell Mentorship Award recipients.
We are currently accepting award nominations. The nomination deadline is February 7, 2024. Please direct questions to Conference Chairs at texascfr@gmail.com.
2019: Lauren Johnson
2018: Marlene Lobberecht
2017: Sandy McClintic
2016: Jo Ann Engelbrecht
2015: Susan Marsh
2014: Steve Wages
2013: Joanne Roberts
2011: Gladys Hildreth
2010: Joyce James
2009: Richard Sale
2008: Deborah Cashen
2007: Lynelle Yingling
2006: Lane Powell
2005: Maxine Hammonds-Smith
2004: Norval D. Glenn
2003: Lillian Chenoweth
2002: Arminta Jacobson
2001: Glen Jennings
1998: Marianna Rasco
1994: Tommie Lawhon
1992: Dorthy Taylor
Zelia S. Coleman
1989: Virginia Anderson
1988: Genie and Preston Dyer
1987: Nelwyn Moore
1986: Britton Wood
1985: Robert Ledbetter
1985: Phyllis Richards
1982: Loy Simpkins
1981: Bert Kruger Smith
1980: Wildring Edwards
1979: Azlette Little
1978: James Dunn
1977: Lucille Martin
1973: Paul Southern
1972: Eulalia Hernandez
1971: William Clarke Ellzey
1970: Henry A. Bowman
Bernice Milburn Moore
2020: Shera Jackson
2019: Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County
2018: This Side Up Family
2017: Texans Care for Children
2016: Practical Parent Education
2015: Noah Project
2014: Denton Parks and Recreation
2013: Former U.S. Congressman Chet Edwards
Representative Wendy Davis
2012: John Van Epp
2011: Denton County Friends of the Family
2010: Kenneth Davidson
2009: Marcie Brooke
2008: Dawn Cassidy
Carol Darling
2007: Judge Jeanne Meurer
2006: Jacki Fitzpatrick
2005: Center for Parent Education - Arminta Jacobson
2004: Nick Stinnett
2003: Britton Wood
2002: State Senator Mike Moncrief
2001: Children's Trust Fund of Texas
2000: Virginia Anderson
1999: WFAA-TV Dallas/Family First
1998: Maxine Hammonds-Smith
1985: Deborah Phillips
1990: John Criswell
John Toulitos
1987: Texas Extension
Homemakers Association
1984: Lou Milstead
1981: Hogg Foundation
1980: H.E. Butt Foundation
2019: Representative Four Price, Texas State Representative, Amarillo
2017: Representative Senfronia Thompson, Texas State Representative, Houston
2015: Texas Impact, Austin
2020: Jennifer Newquist
2019: Janis Henderson
2018: Arminta Jacobson